
Monday 9 June 2008

I escaped..eventually!!

I can't believe it..we have had two warm days in a rain but lots of sunshine!! Perhaps summer has arrived at last. Mind you our summer normally only lasts about 3 days, so I had better make the most of it today or I will have missed it!!Lol!

I am pleased to report that on Sunday morning I woke up and recognised most of my fingers...gone were the borrowed ones, the little fat sausages and there were mine..normal looking fingers. It was like they had been on a crash weight loss program overnight...all except one...there is always one in everything that has to be different!! But we are definitely going in the right direction 3 down, one to go!

I need to tell you about my great escape this weekend..I almost didn't make it!! Lol! So how many of you have tried shopping for goodies recently...lots I am sure, creams and potions, makeup etc. Well, on Saturday afternoon Charlotte, the lovely Lilly and I visited a department store to have a browse there and for me to quickly buy some bits.....did I say quickly? That's not strictly true..we wanted quick but the ladies behind the counters had other ideas. I felt like I was being eaten alive it was like a feeding frenzy!! Normally I shop at drugstores or supermarkets where I just pick for myself and simply. Imagine my surprise on approaching the first immaculately groomed lady in a suit..with makeup the looked like it had been applied by Michael Angelo himself, slide round from the other side of the counter and smiled sweetly at us...that's when the problems started!! Me being a friendly soul..never did learn the lesson my mother taught of not talking to when she asked if she could help I got drawn into conversation of what I was looking for. After 10 minutes and umpteen sprays on the wrist, samples of colour on my face etc.......I lied - I said I'd be back and hurried on to the next counter smelling like a poodle parlour!! It was then the next one got me!!! This one was wearing a rather fetching outfit..a top with oriental influences and trousers all in pristine white..a cross between a fashion model and a dental assistant. More to the point she was a devil to get was not in her vocabulary!!!

Well, by now I was starting to feel just a little intimidated. This one too had makeup that looked flawless...that inadequate feeling was slowly creeping in as I caught sight of myself in a large mirror!! This one too had creams and potions.....yes you got it..more small streaks and trials of magic creams..she had ones that would give me beautiful skin..guaranteed.. at a price...a very large fact so large that my husband would have had a stroke if I had mentioned the figures involved!!! Thinking that I would rather not inflict such a fate on him..he is a nice man really....I managed after a further 15 minutes to move on and by this point I felt I really should leave before I gave in and bought some costly item just to escape. So we started to move discreetly towards the nearest exit....but there was at least three counters between us and the door..... each with their consultants eagerly on the lookout for there next victims. I whispered out of the side of my mouth to Charlotte "Look like were talking"...OK so she thought I was crazy...we were what was the problem? But two steps more and..yep..we were caught!!

No, I didn't really want any intelligent foundation, or moisturising lipstick..not even 12 hour eyeshadow!! down and only two to go...we were that much closer. But I hadn't reckoned on the lady closest to the door! I think she was there as she was good at catching the runaways like us. Just when we thought we had made it..she pounced!! aaah!!

Thirty minutes later !!!! we managed to get through the exit and stood on the pavement breathing deeply, relief flowing over me...I had made it, I had escaped!! OK so I looked as if I had a nasty skin condition with streaks of colour down one side of my face..and yes I did have rather a strong smell, but it was a nice smell...or should I say the 20 smells that had been sprayed on me had all been nice on their own..mingled they were slightly changed and more than a little you know why the heavy breathing..oxygen please, I could hardly breath!! Is it only me that finds perfectly groomed, immaculately dressed, hard selling women so hard to say no to...or is it that they don't understand when you are saying no? I felt so like I had been in a danger zone and I had made it out alive..the relief!!

Of course the downside is we had to make a trip to the super market where I purchased some cream and a few bits in my own time off the shelf.....not top of the range but I had that safe feeling..mind you I did look over my shoulder a couple of times when I caught a flash of white out of the corner of my eye...just in case!! But it was fine..I got a gripe on the paranoia and settled down and back to basics.

Today's freebie is a coordinating paper plains just patterns. The way I look on it you most probably have loads of plain textured papers in your stash and perhaps these will be of use to mix with them. They have a doodley feel to the flowers and the colours are bright.

You can download them here

The beautiful Lilly visited on Saturday and what a difference a week makes!! She is sitting up on her own and so proud of it too!! Mind you she looks like a sparrow about to take off...the little arms have to be held out to help her cute!! Here's a layout I did of one of her pictures...she almost got the arms down in this one!! Go Lilly!

Before I go I have a couple of link to some freebies my CT girls have got on their blogs for you all. Tracy has a great QP on hers..its called Car Wash...great for men. Well, it should be them do the car washing!! She has one with a photo to show you how it will look.

Kim has some great word art for Dad's on her blog. So drop by and snag it in time for Fathers Day.I have to dash now, so take care and have a great day....and stay away from department stores!! Lol!


Jaye said...

Your Lilly is gorgeous!!
:D :D

Anonymous said...

Love your story of the escape! I try to avoid those type of stores for that very reason. LOL Love the LO of Lilly! Thanks for the papers and for mentioning the word art that I have on my blog.

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

Love your great escape!!!!!! LOL
TY so very much for these MARVELOUS BGs & FS Miss Lily's BEAUTIFUL LO!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so right about having solid colours aplenty, and these are so pretty, and gorgeous colours. Thank you.

makeyesup said...

thanks for the pretty papers. And thanks for the laugh. They sure are pushy in the makeup and perfume areas of dept. stores. The scents give me a headache, so I walk real fast holding my breath. It seems to work as they just look at me and figure that I must be an old crab and don't want to get involved.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the gorgeous papers and your escape story, I laughed out loud so many times !!
Your Lilly LO is very precious !

Anonymous said...

That story is so funny. You really aught to become a writer. Lily is just so adorable. You must be such a proud G'Ma. :)
Thanks for the papers. Talent at its best. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just discovered your blog, and I love your cartoon kids sooo much. I went rushing off to fing them (esp., the little dude one) but I'm having trouble with the scrappin digi kreations website though - it keeps saying it's down for maintenance. Is it still going?? Is it just my computer somehow . . . .


Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

Morning Cen!!!!!
Leavin ya some LOVIN on my daily visit!!!!!
Hope that everything is alright & that your just busy!!!!!!!!!
HUGE GIANT HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!