
Thursday 3 July 2008

An other Day an other Freebie!


Two more little freebie Adds On for you to snag

Plus an other great CT Collab Kit part. It's amazing what the girls have come up with!! But first........

Have you ever had that feeling that you could do with a make over, plastic surgery or just a plain miracle that would make you look better? I looked in the mirror yesterday morning and somehow I looked worse than usual. I took a closer look and pondered on what I could change that would improve my rather worn image, sharpen me up..make me look more like an alert and interesting being. OK...the eyes...they did look a bit puffy today..perhaps an eye pack? No after all it's an aid to looking good..not a miracle in a packet!! Perhaps a lid, that involves pain, so I decided to skip that!! OK, so a cold pack, painless and free...that sounded possible..if I get time!!

Yes my skin did look a little..muddy for the want of a better word. A face pack sounded just the answer. Then I remembered the last time and the pictures the girls took of me...and how I laughed so much the thing cracked. I ended up look just as bad but with a dropped pot crackled look...I think that could be an other waste of time and money. I settled for just upping my water intake and could be a few more hours sleep could help....I'll need to talk to Lilly about that one!! She stayed over again last night too and it was not her best effort at sleeping!!

By this time I had started to get the, not the one about not improving on nature!! The one our mothers gave right, sleep well and drink lots..water that is, not the old vino!! I normally do all of those but I have been slacking on most of them recently and looks like I am paying the price. So feeling a little despondent I climbed in the shower and drowned my sorrows, literally!! I never liked that mirror anyway!!

But it's amazing what a shower can do..I came out feeling alert....and yes - I did look interesting. Well, perhaps not interesting, more curious looking. With my towel wrapped around my head turban style, a blob of toothpaste on my upper lip and shower gel in my eye, I had certainly improved..well different if not improved. Oh what the heck I thought, count your blessings, you have a comfortable lived in face that shows you have lived a normal active life,full of the ups and downs that normal people have..OK, so it shows..but what the mirror shows is me. Surprisingly enough I quite like me. It's take me years but I feel comfortable with me, so why knock it! With this in mind I got dressed and was ready to face the day vowing to take more water, go to bed earlier tonight, not work so hard and make time for me. BUT it turns out that I kept forgetting my water bottle, went to bed late as I still had work to do even after a long day!! So I have only myself to blame, lol!! Today I will try harder..perhaps!!

Now down to the serious stuff!!

I have a transparent edge overlay and three sample papers as my Add On for today. You can download the papers and the overlay or just the overlay, the choice is yours. Have fun!!

Download the Papers and Overlay here

Download  the Overlay only here

Now the latest part of CT Collab Kit!!  Kim has excelled herself with her contribution..I love that mushroom and the frames are just what the garden theme calls for. It has a little of everything this one and make lovely layouts!


To collect this part of the Mega CT Collab kit drop by Kim's Blog and snag it

Well, I'm off out now a bit more work to do, lol!! But I do have my water bottle!! Anyway I think I'll give the "mirror, mirror on the wall" stuff a miss in future!!

See you all tomorrow with more goodies from the girls!! Have a great day!


Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Jul [LA 02:19am, NY 04:19am, UK 09:19am, OZ 07:19pm]).

Anonymous said...

I too need to drink more water, and get more sleep. That's a word (sleep) my DH says that I don't know the meaning of. :) I love the papers and the overlay. be good to yourself and have a great day!!

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

Morning June!!!!!!!
TY so very much for these FANTASTIC addons!!!!!!!!!!

Connie said...

I love reading your blog. I always get a laugh. I'm not too fond of my mirror anymore either. LOL I do have to say though that you look great. I would have never guessed you were over 50. So am I and I don't like it one bit. I always say it's better than the alternative. LOL Thanks so much for sharing these great papers and overlay with us and you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

thanks for papers and overlay, especially the overlay, one of favorite parts for scrapping. Yes, healthy living could take care of a lot of our woes. Too bad, we have a hard time remembering that.

Anonymous said...

You offer some really great digital scrapbooking tips. I also really like some of the scrapbooking designs on show, they look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Rest is the key, but finding the time is another story. :)
The overlay is a great addition. So pretty. :)

TragedyScrapinAnne said...

Wooohoooo this is one rocking CT collab kit!!!!!!

Ohhh and
You've been tagged, check out my blog.....Hugs Kat

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the beautiful papers and overlay!! This is a fabulous collection.

verabear said...

I snagged these :) thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Wall mirrors are not just meant for seeing your reflection. They will even change the reflection of the room they have been kept in. it will add to the beauty of the wall. To add to it, if the mirror is hung on the wall, it enhancers the style and beauty of your room.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely overlay.